Regency Tower 2 Sarvodaya Nagar is a dedicated Gastro care center. Here emergency is open round the clock to take care of any type of Gastrointestinal disease emergency.
Dr. Ajmal Hasan is available at Regency Tower 2, Sarvodaya Nagar between 11 am to 4 pm and at Regency City Clinic PPN market Between 6 pm to 8 pm.
All Diagnostic and Therapeutic endoscopy, Radiological investigation like X-ray, Ultrasound, CT scan, Blood tests are available under a single roof at both places (tower 2 Sarvodaya Nagar and City clinic PPN market).
IPD/ Gastro ward:
Regency Tower 2 is a dedicated Gastro Care center. Here dedicated Gastro wards(General, and Private ) with all facilities and well-trained staff are available to take care of all types of Gastrointestinal disease patients.
Gastro ICU:
Some Patients like Severe Acute, Pancreatitis, Acute Liver Failure, GI bleeding, Hepatic coma patients may require ICU care. Regency Tower 2 has dedicated Gastro ICU with all modern facilities and with round the clock critical care specialists available to take care of such patients.
Colonoscopy is a test for evaluation of large intestine, and the terminal portion of small intestine. Procedure is performed under anaesthesia. During colonoscopy, colonoscope is introduced through the anus and gradually advanced further.
During colonoscopy, Biopsy can be taken from suspicious areas, or endotherapy can be done for the bleeding lesions
Indications for colonoscopy are
Therapeutic indication for colonoscopy are
Rectal polyp | Ulcerative colitis | Crohn's disease |
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) is a procedure for treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases
ERCP is performed by the oral route after sedation. During ERCP, bile duct and pancreatic ducts are evaluated after injection of contrast agent, and various therapeutic procedures can be performed
During ERCP stones can be removed form CBD or pancreatic duct and stents can be placed in CBD for treatment of jaundice and in MPD for pain relief
Indications of ERCP are
ERCP is a safe procedure in expert hands, and is performed on day care basis, however serious complications like cholangitis, pancreatitis, perforation can occur in 1-3% of cases, which may require longer hospital stay
SEMS placed in CBD | Plastic stent placed in CBD | CBD stone removal |
EUS is ultrasound of internal structures surrounding the GI tract with the help of endoscope. EUS provides excellent resolution of pancreas, biliary system and the mediastinum.
EUSÂ is performed by oral route after conscious sedation.
During EUS, sample can be taken from the nodes in mediastinum, tumor of pancreas and bile duct. With the help of endoscopic ultrasound various collections can be drained internally in the stomach or rectum and the major surgeries can be avoided.
Indications of EUS are
EUS examination showing node in the mediastinum
Liver biopsy is done for the diagnosis of various liver ailments, during liver biopsy a small piece of liver is taken for the microscopic examination.
Indications of liver biopsy
Liver biopsy is a is a safe procedure Severe complication can occur in 1 in 50,000 procedures
Fibroscan is a new technology for the assessment of severity of liver disease, and is safe test which is performed by putting a probe on skin of upper abdomen, and there are no complications of fibroscan.
For assessment of severity of liver disease, Fibroscan is replacing the liver biopsy.
Double balloon enteroscopy (DBE) is a procedure for evaluation of the small intestine
DBE is performed after sedation, enterosocpe is introduced through the mouth or anal route. Over the scope, overtube is passed for deep intubation of small intestine
Indications of double balloon enteroscopy are
During double balloon enteroscopy, biopsy can be taken from suspicious areas and endotherapy can be done for the bleeding lesions
Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy is non invasive test, which does not require any sedation For capsule endoscopy, patient swallows a small capsule, capsule has inbuilt camera, which captures and send the images of small inetstine  to external data recorder, which are later studied for the evaluation of small intestine
Capsule should not be used, if there is suspicion of stricture in small intestine Moreover, tissue can not be obtained from diseased areas and endotherapy can not be done.
Capsule is passed out later in the stool, and it is not required to retrieve the capsule
Manometry is the study where a pressure sensing thin probe is passed from the nose or anus to study the pressure of esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter, rectum and anal canal
Esophageal manometry
Esophgeal manometry is performed by nasal route, to study the pressure in esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter
Indication of esophageal manometry areÂ
Anorectal manometry
Anorectal manometry is done by the anal route.
Indications of anorectal manometry are
24 hour pH study is indicated in patients with suspected gatroesophageal reflux disease. 24 hour pH study is an ambulatory study, where pH probe is passes through the nose to lower esophagus, probe has to be kept in situ for 24 hours. All the reflux episodes from stomach to esophagus leads to change in esophageal pH, which are sensed by pH probe, and are recorded in data recorder, which is later studied